New and Old Rules and Other Things
New Rules
The EBU have introduced new rules on announcing, which we will adopt.
The EBU's latest advice can be found via this link
Common Faults
Bidding boxes are commonly misused. To finger a pass card and then make a different call may constitute unauthorised information to partner. Please try to think without using your fingers! A bid is actually made when a card is removed from the bidding box with "apparent intent." A bid may be withdrawn if it was a genuine mistake and not a ‘change of mind’. This is true as long as partner has not bid.
A card is played by a defender when it is possible for the partner of the player to see the card. It does not matter if partner has actually seen the card, nor does it matter if the card has been placed on the table. Declarer’s card must be played if it is face up touching or nearly touching the table. A card in dummy must be played if it has been named by declarer or touched by him or her. But..
Generally, declarer must not touch cards in dummy. This should only happen when partner has left the table for a legitimate reason. Dummy should not get carried away by this duty. There have been cases where dummy has ‘played the hand’ , that is has played a card before declarer has called for it.
Failure to check the score on the Traveller is becoming increasingly common. As scorer, please make sure that your opponent checks the score and pair numbers.
Some players are forgetting to write their pair number on the back of the Traveller. This is especially important in ‘non-standard’ movements where the pair number is not related to the table number.
Finally, with apologies, for the above ‘lecture’. If there is a problem at the table please call the Director. No player should say what they think the ruling is it leads to arguments and worse……