The Stayman Convention

What is it? Stayman is probably the most widely used convention of all. A bid of 2C in response to your partner's 1NT is conventional i.e. It doesn't promise clubs. It requests your partner to bid a four card major. Without one partner responds 2D. With four hearts, partner responds 2H (may still have four spades also). A response of 2S from partner denies four hearts.

You may ask why you want to do it? Well when the combined hands have enough for game very often the major contract provides an extra trick, very useful at duplicate pairs. Also the responding hand may look unsuitable for no trumps and have a severe weakness in a particular suit. It can also provide a mechanism with a very weak hand to escape into a better contract.

Let's have a look at some examples

Example 1
 A1095     KQ85   
K1084    QJ2   
54    76   
AQ3    K1094   
Auction 1
East can see chances of game and bids 2C to see if partner has four spades. Partner responds 2H, not what partner wanted to hear but there may still be chances in NT if partner has a diamond stop. West KNOWS that East has a 4 card major, so now bids 3S inviting game in spades. With the known heart fit and a reasonable hand East bids the game. A NT game would have had no chance on a diamond lead.

Example 2
 A1095     J764   
K1084    J952   
54    J10976   
AQ3    -   
Auction 2
It is a common misconception that you can only use stayman with adequate values in high cards. This is not true at all. East can see that whatever West replies to his stayman request must improve the contract.