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New players will be made most welcome.
Contact any of the undermentioned for further information.

ContactsRole(s)Tel No.Mobile No.E-mail
Joe RidyardChairman, Tournament Director01925 76718707729318854joseph.ridyard@gmail.com
Christine PownallSecretary01925 766735CJPOwnall@gmail.com
Brian AspinallTreasurer  b.aspinall@blueyonder.co.uk
Hazel PinkneyTournament Director  hazelpinkney@hotmail.com
John RobertsTournament Director  johneroberts@hotmail.com
Prue DowsonTournament Director  pruedowson@hotmail.com
Chris PownallCommittee member  CJPOwnall@gmail.com
Enid BeddallCommittee member  enidbeddall@gmail.com
Tom EvansTournament Director, Web Master  public9596@gmail.com

To see members telephone details and e-mail addresses then
One must supply the correct password to access these.
Contact any of the above to get the password.
Tip: The 4-digit pin to gain entry to the club.